Friday 23 November 2012

Filming schedule and Risk assessment

We will be filming the majority of our film on Monday 19th November 2012, after 12:30. Due to the fact we will be starting to film around midday, we will have to be careful not to lose light for our filming, so we must plan our time well in order to get all the shots we need. We have checked the weather forecast for this occasion, and it says it will be raining that morning. This is perfect as we want the scene to appear slightly dull and miserable to reflect what happens in the opening.
As we arrive we shall start filming by taking multiple shots of the outside of the station, this is so we can set the scene at the beginning of our opening, and doing this will not take up much time. We will then go onto filming the two characters purchasing the tickets, for this part there is the option to gain a large variety of shots so this will possibly be time consuming. Next will be the inside of the stations building, there are many mise-en-scène that are positioned within the building including the ticket barriers that allow people onto the platform, we will make sure we include clips of this. Then we will go onto filming on the actual platform, this is the part that is most important as it is a large space and breaking filming rules such as 180degree rule could be a possibility. We will also make sure to include a variety of shots and angles of the platform from different heights too. This part of filming will take the longest as we have to ensure it is perfect and we have all the shots we need as we will not be able to return because scenery lighting and surroundings will change.

Risk assessment
There are a variety of risks that can conflict with health and safety, reviewing the possibilities before filming in our chosen surroundings will help towards preventing them from happening. We will be filming at a train station on a damp wet day at around 1:00pm onwards.
The risk that can be included are
  • Filming near the rain track meaning our attention could be distracted and there is a high risk level of falling onto the track.
  • Due to the wet weather the floor will be extra slippery and slipping onto the concrete or onto the train track are also a possibility.
  • As we are filming outside the floor will be mainly concrete if we was to drop the camera whilst filming it will do some serious damage to the camera and there are high possibilities it would completely break or smash.
  • As we will be starting filming around 1o'clock and will be positioned outside during winter season then there is the possibility of loosing light.

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