Friday 8 March 2013

Final changes

After consideration we decided to make some final changes on our film opening. The first was the film title which was originally 'Different Morals' which was written in an italic cambria font, this we thought did not truly reflect the story line so therefor we changed the title to just 'Morals' as well as the font that appeared historic and not italic. But after further discussion and audience feedback we did not think this suited the opening as it was modern and the font was not. So therefore we changed the title to 'elapsed in time' this is to represent the characters struggle with the past how they have not emotionally recovered from the events and also we thought this fits well with the opening scene as there is sections that are rewinding which reflects the alteration of time.

Another change we made was to some of the shots that appeared slightly unstable we edited parts out we thought looked unprofessional and thankfully had original footage we could use to replace in some areas.

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