Friday 9 November 2012

Animatic for film opening

Animatics storyboard is a useful and important part of planning, it shows all the angles and shots that are included and helps determine the order in which they will go in.  In class we created a short video of an animatic plan for our film opening; we sketched out each clip such as the close-up angles and long shots, to show which order we wanted our opening to be in. We also added the background music that we created for our opening, this is like a rough copy to get the idea what our opening looks like. When editing the clips together, we was able to become familiar with the software discovering and testing the tools available made our editing skills develop. As at the moment the editing isn't very aesthetic and appears a little patchy but this will help when coming to edit our final piece as we would of been able to improve on the techniques used with the animatics.
The strengths of our film opening is that there is the possibility for a wide range of camera angles, as shown in the animatics a few of the possibilities, but after further planning we will be able to develop on this using the animatics as inspiration. A weakness of the animatics is that it isn't a very clear storyboard as it is very basic, and only to get a general idea of the scene, although this is a good basic structure to help develop our ideas further.

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