Friday 9 November 2012

Target audience

To research about my target audience I have created a questionnaire to find out more information, and help me make decisions in what my film should include. I have included the basic details about the participant including gender and age; this will determine what type of audiences prefer what such as the genre they prefer and how many films they watch per month. I then have presented the information on clear graphs comparing answers of the questions with age and gender of the audience.
Our questionnaire asking a total of 50people, 25 of which are males and 25 females. 17people under the group of 11-20years old, 23 21-30year olds and 10 31-40year olds.
 This is the results of the range of age and gender of the
participants for the questionnaire. This information was
collected by asking them individually 'What gender are you?'
and 'How old are you?'. By recording what questionnaire was
completed by who, I can then see what each gender prefers
and what each age groups prefer. By looking at the graph I am
able to see that 21-30year olds are the most common age group of
participants, which can mean my results may lean towards that
group slightly. But I will still be able to see what the majority
of the other age groups prefer.
These  are the results for 'How often do you watch films per
month?'. By asking this question I am able to determine what
gender are more likely to watch films, this means that if a
particular gender on average watched more filme then this
would be a better target audience as there is the opportunity to
make more sales from them. From my questionnaire it shows
males where overall more likely to watch the most films by 6
males answering they watched 11-20 films a month and 12
males watching 6-10 films a month comapred with 4 females
saying they would watch 11-20 films a month and 10
answering that they would watch 6-10 a month. So from this I
can see that males would be a slightly better target audience
compared with females, but this could be changed dut to age.
This is the results for the question 'What is your favourite film
genre?', I chose to record these results to show which gender
prefer which genre. This will then help me determine the
gender for my target audience. By looking at the results Males
prefer Action films as their favourite genre with 8 out of
25. Females said that they preferred Romance as their
favourite genre with 8 out of 25 choosing Romance.
Melodrama was the second most popular for females and
Horror was the second most popular for males. These results
I can then take into consideration, when deciding what genre to
use for my film and can see what gender my target audience
that my film will appeal to the most.
This graph shows the results for the question 'What is your
favourite film genre?' for the different age groups. For the age
group 31-40years old the graph shows that they are most
likely to prefer melodrama as the most popular genre. For
21-30 years old, their preferred genre is Action. 11-20 years
old is shown to prefer Action as the most popular genre. These
results will give a clear idea on what ages prefer which genre's
and when deciding on what genre to use for our film, we will
know what age group it most likely appeal too.
For further research on the questions that the answers were vague, I carried out a short focus group. A focus group consists of my main target audience so that I can carry out specific questions and receive more detailed answers. By doing this I am able to cover more research and in more detail. By looking at my questionnaire results I have a variety of answers across all genres. But because our chosen film genre is Melodrama I will be looking at the age range of 31-40years and the gender that showed they preferred Melodrama was Females. Although my questions could of been effected due to some age groups not knowing what some of the genres actually consisted on so instead they chose the genre they knew. So for one of my focus group question I will ask 6females 2 in each age range, will be 'What is your favourite film genre?' but I will give them a short definition of each genre and a stereo-typical summary of what they consist of. This is something I wouldn't be able to do in my short questionnaire as it would of made questions too long and the participants would of been less likely to fill it out. It will also give a fairer chance and the feedback will be more accurate.
1. What is your favourite film genre?
Aged 11years-20years: 'Comedy is definitely my favourite genre, no matter what mood i'm in the films always cheer me up and change my emotions.' Female aged 17
'I would choose other and say Romantic Comedies, as I can't choose between the two and all my favourite films fall under that category.' Female aged 19
Aged 21years-30years: 'I do like a Melodrama, it's always unexpected of what happens in the storyline, when with a action or romance you can basically guess whilst it's happening.' Female aged 25
'Romance is definitely my favourite, it's like watching a life you wished you had.' Female aged 29
Aged 31years-40years: 'I like action films as there is always so much drama and I actually enjoy the fighting scenes as it looks so realistic and I know it must of taken a lot of practice to pull of the moves and sequences.' Female aged 40
'Comedy is my favourite and always has been, they always make me laugh and feel good.'
The next question I will ask is 'What would you expect a good film opening to consist of?' this question will allow me to see what the expectations of target audience's opinion of a good film opening. Not only will this give my group inspiration for ideas on what to include, but it will also help us see what our target audience expects. I will ask 3Females aged 31-40years as this is what appears to be the genre Melodrama's typical audience.
2. What would you expect a good film opening to consist of?
'Anything that grabs my attention, usually something unexpected or a type of accident. Then I want to watch more to see how it turns out and effects the rest of the film.' Female aged 32
'Well in the opening I prefer when not much really happens, I don't like it when films open on to a really confusing clip and it leaves you feeling uncomfortable as you have no idea what is happening.' Female aged 40
'Definitely something interesting, the opening is always the part that consists of something shocking that the rest of the revolves around maybe like a death.' Female aged 35

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