Monday 12 November 2012


The location of the film opening is very important, whether it is clear to see where the scene is set can help the audience get a better of understanding of the story. This includes the conventions within the location as they have to fit in with the scene and help determine the setting. Our film will be set in a train station, it will include conventions such as train tickets, train track, train barriers; showing clearly the location to the audience will give them a better understanding of what is happening.
The train station we have chosen to film at, is a local one that all our group can easily get to. It is situated on Station Road, Rainham.

Lighting is very important and different lighting can give the scene a different characteristics. Such as gloomy dull light scene will portray a horror or thriller scene, but a brightly colourful lighting will portray more happy comedy theme. Lighting also has to be clear so that the audience can see clearly what is happening, if the lighting was very poor then the scene would be hard to explain. For our film opening scene it will be mainly filmed outside but on a dull day so the lighting is still clear but the gloomy weather reflects the mood of the scene.
Music is very important part of a film, the type of music reflects greatly on the scene and it relates to the audience of the type of feeling of a scene. If a scene was horror related and something gothic happens, then the music would need to reflect this by being slow and eerie or fast and emphasise suspense; if the music was upbeat pop song it would not fit the scene and will confuse the audience. In our film we are using the song 'Use somebody' originally written and produced by Kings of Leon, but we will be using a cover of the song which is slower and fits our genre better.
Use Somebody, Pixie Lott cover:

Opening credit fonts
Opening credits within a film are very important, these include all people that participated in the creation of the film as it is important to give credit to peoples efforts. It also allows the audience to see the names of the actors and for well-known popular actors this is good as it will give the film a good reputation before viewers see it. At the beginning of our film opening we will make sure that we include all of our groups name, and we will be able to use a variety of effects to edit these into clips. The font we decided on for the credits is Cambria, we chose this one as it doesn't look too fancy and we think it fits the opening well. We didn't want something that was hard to read and we didn't want it to distract the audience from the contents. We also will choose the text to be white, we think this will be suitable as it will show up in each shot, choosing black then the text won't show up against the background.
Film certificate
A film certificate is an age guideline that the film would be acceptable for their viewing, this then means anybody wanting to watch the film has a rough idea on the contents being acceptable or not. For example a parent may purchase a film on dvd but are not sure whether it's suitable for their 9year old daughter and because of the certificate they will be able to know if it is.  For out film we have decided the film certificate to be 12, this is because the film includes a mature storyline and include very mild language, with some intimate scenes.
Nudity, bad language, drugs and discrimination
There may be some mild language near the middle of the film but that is all, there will be no nudity throughout this film. No recreational drugs will be used or feature in the film, although some medicines are included in the film. There will be no signs of any sort of discrimination throughout the film.
Film Company
Our choice of film company is Universal pictures, we have decided on this as we know that this it is well-known and has a good reputation for the films being of goo quality and this is what we want our film to represent. Starting with a popular film company can influence our audience to see the film, they are less likely to watch a film with and un-known company producing it. Universal pictures is an American motion picture studio, owned by Comcast, and one of the six major movie studios. It is one of the longest-lived motion picture studios to be located outside of Hollywood. They have produced a large variety of films over decades, with large vast genres from children's films to horrors.
Films also created under Universal pictures- Les Miserables,  Jaws, Fast & Furious, Bridesmaids, The Bourne Supremacy, Tower Heist, Snow White & The Huntsman, Ted, Wanted and many more.

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