Monday 12 November 2012

Storyline and Film title

The genre of our film is Melodrama, this means that the storyline will include lots or drama from romance to deaths. The main character of our film is Beth Morgan played by myself (Emily Hamer). The story is her struggle with inner conflict as she recovers the shocking and disturbing loss of her best friend. Due to the traumatic event Beth is left with many mental problems and has developed trust issues, disorders and depression due to her beliefs on how the event really occurred from her point of view from preventing it occurring. Her life of recovery after the accident includes more dramatic turns that leads to her eventually meeting her sole partner although their relationship is complicated and troubled due to Beth being emotionally scarred. Due to the relationship of Beth's romance being unclear and not certain it leaves the audience indecisive of what the ending of the story will develop to be. But in a turn of events the ending scene is a flash to the future as it shows that Beth had been able to recover and settle down to have a stable relationship with not only her new Husband but also her family and friends.
Film Title
For our film we brainstormed to decide on a suitable title for our film that could grab our target audiences attention as well as fitting with the films plot.
Our final decision for the title is 'Morals' this is due to the fact we think Beth perception and idea on how the death of her best friend died is perceived as being completely different to the truth. As well as how her distinction between right and wrong affects her life and the decisions she makes, after the accident occurred.

[mawr-uh l, mor-] 
1. of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.

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