Friday 14 September 2012

Preliminary task

In class we created a short preliminary clip where we tested different camera shot/clips. This included change on action, shot reverse shot and not breaking the 180 degree rule. I found filming these clips very easy and the only difficult part was making sure the camera was still, apart from that it was fine. But editing the video together was slightly harder and we found that the clips didn't run as smoothly together as we thought and had to video more parts. We did this to fill the gaps so that each cut wasn't as noticeable and including more shots gives the viewer a better understanding of what is happening in the scene. Whilst filming we made sure that we followed the 180 degree rule, this was fairly easy as we just ensured that the filming was taken from one side at all times as if there was an invisible line. We also included match on action shots within our filming this was slightly tricky to include as we had to ensure that the character was moving from one cut to the next smoothly to make it appear more realistic and professional. Shot reverse shot was another technique we included, we did this by filming a short conversation between two characters then cutting from the opposite characters shoulder which gives the feel that you are in the conversation because of the camera angles.

If I was to do this task again we would have smoother editing by including more cuts within the scene making it clearer to the audience; especially at the ending so they are able to fully understand the scene. I would also improve the lighting throughout the scene particularly the part of one of the characters as it is too dark this can affect the audience's understanding of what is happening.

What I think went well for our preliminary clip was the match on action, as the movement of the character between the three different cuts was almost completely synchronised as she was running through the two doorways. Also when it comes to creating my final piece I know that I need to include more clips to make the scene flow better and I know how to use the editing software more due to the practice of editing when doing this task.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Emily, you have successfully used a variety of shot types. You need to now focus on careful planning and smoother editing. A good effort.
